It’s All In My Head

It usually starts with a flash behind my closed eyelids. At first I’m not sure if it was lightning or a car passing by the house. I wait, and no thunder or tires roll. No, no, no. Not this. More flashes. I wait. I make a mental inventory of where my medications are. How many […]

The Right Rock

“I’m pretty sure it’s just a little further up the trail and then we make a right,” I said, fairly confident I’d definitely passed that boulder before. We went up the trail a little further. We made a right. “Isn’t that the climb we passed on the way to the warmup?” one of my partners […]

Draft 19

I’ve neglected this blog for almost 2 years. It’s not for lack of trying — my drafts box is overflowing with abandoned bits of writing. But every time I’ve sat down to write, the product has been too raw. Too mad. Too sad. Not funny enough. Not researched enough. I have endless excuses for why […]

Casual Observations

Since I haven’t ever lived in a big city before I have spent a lot of my time just trying to get a grasp on how things work. I’ve noticed a few things: You buy a lot fewer groceries when you have to carry them three blocks to the metro, up the second longest escalator […]

So Far, So Good

It’s been a little over a month and a half since I moved to DC, but I should probably take you back to the beginning. After packing up four and a half years of college-life and saying goodbye to my roommates at the Worst Eastern, our charming home in sunny Oxford, OH, I headed back […]